A Short Message on India's Independence Day


‘Freedom is never dear at any price. It is the breath of life’, this quote by Mahatama Gandhi sums up the essence of having the freedom and living a dignified life. Independence Day is celebrated on August 15 every year in India to mark the freedom of the country from almost 200 years of British rule. This year, people across the country will be celebrating 74th Independence Day to honour the countless sacrifices and struggles by hundreds of patriots who gave their lives to free their motherland from the imperial rule.

The day, observed as a national holiday across the country, is celebrated by hosting flag hoisting ceremonies to honour the sacrifice and dedication of the Bravehearts who aimed for one goal -- to free their country from the slavery of the colonisers.

However, the flag hoisting celebrations will not be the same this year due to the coronavirus pandemic in the country, but the government has asked people to do the same in their own homes keeping the social distancing protocols in mind.  

Our forefathers bought our freedom with their hard work and sacrifice. Now we must work hard to create a better nation for generations that follow. 

Happy Independence Day! 

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